Although it is an introductory text, efforts have been made to makethe exchanges between Japanese and foreign characters in the book reflect Japanese Its contents have been enhanced in this way to allow all kinds of students touse it for studying Japanese with pleasure.Minna no Nihongois aimed at anyone who urgently needs to learn tocommunicate in Japanese in any situation, whether at work, school, college or in theirlocal community. While the book continues to make useof the clarity and ease ofunderstanding provided by the special features, key learning points and learningmethods ofShin Nihongo no Kiso,no Nihongo havethe scenes, situations and characters inMinnabeen made more universal in order to appeal to a wider range oflearners. There is now a greaterdiversity of learning needs, and they require individual responses.It is against this background, and in response to the opinions and hopes expressedby a large number of people who have been involved in the teaching of Japanese formany years both in Japan and elsewhere, that 3A Corporation proudly publishesMinna no Nihongo. The changes in the social milieu surrounding the teaching ofJapanese that have resulted from this influx of people from other countries have in turninfluenced the individual situations in which Japanese is taught. Japaneseeconomic and industrial growth has led to a greater level of interchange between Japanand other countries, and non-Japanese from a wide variety of backgrounds have cometo Japan with a range of different objectives and are now living within localcommunities here. Over three years in the planning and compilation, it stands as a completetextbook in itself while acting as a companion volume to the highly regardedShinNihongo no Kiso.As readers may know,Shin Nihongo no Kisois a comprehensive introductionto elementary Japanese that serves as a highly efficient resource enabling studentswishing to master basic Japanese conversation to do so in the shortest possible time.As such, although it was originally developed for use by AOTS’s technical trainees, itis now used by a wide range of people both in Japan and abroad.The teaching of Japanese is branching out in many different ways. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of thePublisher.Published by 3A CorporationShoei Bldg., 6-3, Sarugaku-cho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0064, JapanISBN4-88319-107-9 C0081First published 1998Printed in JapanįOREWORDAs the titleMintld no Nihongoindicates, this book has been designed to makethe study of Japanese as enjoyable and interesting as possible for students and teachersalike. Minna no Nihongol&A,tz0WaiaiR-XiSIBK HISTranslation & Grammatical NotesCENTER]ZU-l-tvhD-ġ998 by 3A CorporationAll rights reserved. Minna no Nihongolw» i *am salsa# sissjkTranslation & Grammatical Notes K oZ 8/6Minna no NihongolaaiHtR-xassis netsTranslation & Grammatical NotesTV-Ttwj-v